Business Listing Step 1 of 6 16% Contact InformationYour business's contact details are not just crucial, they are integral to the Turangi Community Directory. They ensure potential customers can easily reach you and find accurate details about your business, making you a valued part of our community.Business Name:(Required)What is the name of your business? Name(Required) First Last Business Address:(Required)What is your business's physical address?Do you supply services/sell products at your business address? Yes No Sometimes Mailing Address (if different):What is your mailing address? This is to help us verify that you are indeed a Turangi based business Do you want your address shown on the Turangi Community Directory?(Required) Yes No Phone Number:(Required)What is your main business phone number? Email Address:(Required)What is the primary email address for your business? Do you Currently have a Website? Yes No Website URL:What is your business's website URL? Business DetailsYour business is an important part of the Tūrangi community. By providing the essential details about your business, you help us accurately list and showcase it in the Tūrangi Community Directory. This information ensures your listing is complete and easily searchable for potential customers, recognising your role in our community.Category:(Required)Which category best describes your business? (e.g., Retail, Services, Food & Beverage)AccomodationAgriculture & HorticultureArts & EntertainmentAutomotiveBoat & MarineBeauty & Personal CareBusiness SupportBuilding and Maintenace ServicesCafe, Restaurants & TakeawaysConsulting, CoachElectrical ServicesEducation & TrainingEnvironmental, Green ServicesEntertainmentEvent Planning & ServicesForestyFinancial ServicesHealthcare Professionals / ServicesHome ServicesLegal ServicesMarketing & AdvertisingMedia & CommunicationPainter and DecoratorPets & Animal ServicesPlumbing ServicesProfessional ServicesReal Estate & PropertyRetail & WholesaleSecurity ServicesStorage ServicesTechnology & ITTravel & TourismTransportation & LogisticsTransportation & LogisticsWaste Recovery and ProcessingOtherDescription:(Required)Provide a brief description of your business (e.g., value proposition, tagline, mission statement etc) Business Hours:(Required)What are your regular business hours?Social Media Links:Provide links to your business's social media profiles (Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.). Add RemoveYear Established:(Required)DayDay12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031MonthMonth123456789101112YearYear20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920When was your business established?Are you a Not for Profit? Yes No Is this business Māori-led or affiliated with Māori kaupapa Yes No Business Owner’s Name:(Required)Who is the owner of the business? Shall we list the business owners name?(Required) Yes No Visuals & MediaPlease upload any relevant images, logos, or media files to help showcase your business effectively. These visuals will enhance your listing, making it more engaging and appealing to potential customers.Logo Upload:Please upload your business logo (preferred formats: .png, .jpg). Max. file size: 50 MB.Business Cover ImageMax. file size: 256 MB.Please upload a cover image with a minimum size of 800x525 pixels, if possible.Photo Gallery:Upload images that represent your business (e.g., storefront, products, team). Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 256 MB. Promotional Video URL:Do you have a promotional video? Provide the URL. Services & ProductsPlease provide a brief description of your business's services and products. This information will help potential customers understand what you offer and how your offerings can meet their needs.Primary Products/Services:(Required)What are the primary products or services you offer? Additional InformationIn this section, you can provide any extra details that enhance your business profile, such as certifications, testimonials, FAQs, partnerships, and accessibility information. This helps to further inform potential customers and establish credibility for your business.Business Certifications:Does your business hold any certifications or licenses? (e.g., BBB Accredited, ISO Certified) Testimonials:Would you like to add customer testimonials? If so, please provide them. You will have access to add these later if required. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):Are there any FAQs you’d like to include? Please list them. Add RemoveBusiness Partnerships:Do you have any business partnerships you’d like to highlight? Accessibility Information:Is your business location accessible for people with disabilities? Contact PreferencesPlease indicate your preferred method of communication and how you would like to be contacted. This will ensure that you can be reached efficiently and in the way that best suits you.Preferred Contact Method :(Required)How would you like to be contacted by potential customers? Phone Email Text Tūrangi Community Directory Contact :(Required)How would you like to be contacted by the Tūrangi Community Directory if we have any questions or concerns? Phone Email Text Social Media Newsletter Signup: Would you like to subscribe to our Tūrangi business directory newsletter? Submission ConfirmationThank you for submitting your business information! We will review your submission and contact you for additional details. Once approved, your listing will go live on the Tūrangi Community Directory. We appreciate your patience and look forward to showcasing your business.Are you interested in supporting the Turangi Community Directory initiative?Listings are free for all Turangi businesses, providing equal opportunity for everyone to be part of the Tūrangi Community Directory. However, if you're interested in further supporting the directory and enhancing your business's visibility, please let us know if you'd like us to contact you with more information about any of the following opportunities: Premium Listings: These offer enhanced visibility and could include additional features like prominent placement, extra details, or enhanced images. Featured Listings: Businesses will be featured at the top or in a special section. Exploring further marketing possibilities, e.g., Event Promotion: promoting events or special offers related to the businesses listed. Helping to cover the costs of the website Other (please specify) Select AllConsent(Required) Do you consent to having your business information published in the Tūrangi Community directory?If you would like your business removed at anytime email: [email protected] Terms & Conditions Agreement:(Required) I agree to the Terms and Conditions for the Tūrangi Community Directory | This is Tūrangi EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.